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Voices of Tomorrow Documentary Trailer

Voices of Tomorrow captures the work educators in America are doing with students to restore civic culture in a hyperpolarized society. By fostering viewpoint diversity and free speech in their school communities through civil discourse practices with Sphere Education Initiatives, these educators and their students are revitalizing the most important characteristics of a strong democratic citizens- respect, curiosity, and openness.


Project Sphere
Sphere Education Initiatives
Elyse Warren Alter New Headshot
Elyse Warren Alter

Content Development Manager, Sphere Education Initiatives

Lena P. Headshot
Lena Popilieva

Senior Producer, Cato Institute

Darren Walker headshot
Darren Walker

Senior Live Event Producer, Cato Institute

Barbara Galletti Headshot
Barbara Galletti

Senior Producer, Cato Institute & Lib​er​tar​i​an​ism​.org

Voices of Tomorrow captures the work educators in America are doing with students to restore civic culture in a hyperpolarized society. By fostering viewpoint diversity and free speech in their school communities through civil discourse practices with Sphere Education Initiatives, these educators and their students are revitalizing the most important characteristics of a strong democratic citizens‐ respect, curiosity, and openness.