Civil Discourse through Literature
This module provides teachers with engaging lesson plans to foster respectful discussions on literature. Students develop critical thinking, empathy, and communication skills while exploring diverse perspectives in literary works.

Practicing Civil Discourse through Literature
Centered on a Reader’s Writers Workshop approach, these lessons are structured for 48‐minute class periods with daily plans. They include suggestions for books, short stories, images, and poems tailored to your district and school.
Getting to Know You
How do we define who we are? What is culture and how do we express it? What topics/ideas are significant to our lives? What topics are relevant and necessary to human relationships?
What Is Civil Discourse?
What is civil discourse? How can we voice our opinions in productive and civil discussions in public social media arenas like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram? What makes opinions worth sharing with the public?
Civil Discourse: An Activity
Students will practice aspects of civil discourse with their peers, including how to communicate effectively with others whose opinions may differ from their own, and share about similarities and differences they have with their peers, family and community.
Practicing Our Critical Literacy Skills
What does it mean to be critically literate? How are we critically literate in our daily lives? How does civil discourse help us practice critical literacy?
Windows, Mirrors and Sliding Glass Doors
How is what we read a window, mirror or a door? What other metaphors can be used to describe our connections to text? What metaphor can I use to relate to what I am reading?